martes, 26 de agosto de 2008


So Lost soul oS
Today we have time still,
only if you make me feel,
-but, someday I will sing a song,
without soul
without music
I will try on the oblivion’s suit,
I will become a doll
Piano’s sounds make me remember sweet months.
When spring bring the trick,
I find the way to forget this sad song
We just started it seemed,
and I didn't want to get off the ride
I wanted to say the last word,
but I didn’t want a farewell
It was a blast hanging out with you as well,
until you had to say good bye
Piano’s sounds make me remember sweet months.
When spring bring the trick,
I find the way to forget this sad song
When seasons will comes
I feel again my lost soul,
I will try on the oblivion’s suit,
I will become a doll.

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